Monday, August 20, 2012

Of Resolutions, Diet and Exercise

For this year, I only kept 3 major resolutions that I thought I could focus on attaining. My favorite of the three is LOSING WEIGHT and I began working on it as soon as the year started.

Since our family loves to eat, cutting down on food was a real challenge, not to mention working out and exercising which was twice as hard. From a sedentary lifestyle for years and years, it took a lot of determination to get my butt off the couch and into the gym and work out. Diet-wise, I started out slowly but surely, cutting down on carbs and my caloric intake. But I’d slip during weekends and binge eat especially when we went out.

Eventually I discovered Nutrimeal and the so-called low-glycemic diet through an ex-office mate. It wasn’t cheap so I felt I had to strictly oblige on it. It was effective that way *wink*. I did follow this diet religiously for probably about a month and I never stopped working out EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! I did taebo, dance, aero, and the usual cardio exercises and light weight lifting. Oh! And this was on top of my endless mommy and wifey duties. It was difficult but I wasn’t only doing it for myself, I was also doing it for my boys. I was trying to be healthy to avoid illnesses same as before.

And so after sooo much effort and even before I became depressed for too much dieting I was slowly LOSING WEIGHT! I actually lost a total of 14 pounds. I would have wanted to lose 5 more pounds but a blessing came which prevented me to continue with all the dieting and working out… But, I’ll share more about that in one of my next posts.

Though I didn't get the chance to close the year with a smaller waist line, it still felt great knowing that I did it and that I was able to see results after a great deal of hard work and determination. It was all worth it!


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