Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Is It a Boy or a Girl?

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I've been waiting for the day to find out whether our baby is a boy or a girl. Finally my OB already scheduled me for the pelvic ultrasound with congenital anomaly scan where we can also find out the baby’s gender.

July 30, Monday - Together with hubby and Evan, I went to HP Diagnostics Clinic in Power Plant, Rockwell for the ultrasound and another lab test called OGTT which was for pregnancy diabetes detection. We came in full force as Evan has no school that day due to the heavy “monsoon rains”. My little boy was as excited as we were to find out what his baby sib is.

But first on the agenda was the OGTT. It’s a grueling process that involved 8 hours of fasting prior to the scheduled test, drinking a disgusting glucose juice, and 3 blood extractions set every hour. My OB has a knack for giving peculiar instructions to ensure a healthy pregnancy. The test started at around quarter past 10AM and it ended at quarter past 1PM. This meant that I had to endure 11 hours without food, water or any liquid intake aside from the disgusting glucose juice (stress on disgusting). Fortunately, I have a very supportive family who kept me company until I completed the test. Actually while waiting, I reviewed Evan for their first quarterly exams because I was also not allowed to walk around while waiting for blood extraction. What a productive way to spend the waiting time so it just went by fast. J

Glucose juice for the OGTT

While having our late lunch, everyone’s excitedly talking about our predictions on whether baby is a girl or a boy. Hubby was trying to be impartial, saying as long as the baby’s healthy, the gender doesn’t matter. But deep inside I know he wanted a baby boy. Evan’s opinion that day was leaning towards having a baby brother and the reason for that was so that he can borrow his brother’s new toys. What a clever young boy! I, on the other hand, was joking that I feel pretty and sexy during this pregnancy so my intuition’s telling me it’s a girl. Deep inside I have apprehensions in raising a girl as I was having doubts if I’d be a good role model and a good mother to her. 

We immediately went back to the clinic after lunch for the congenital anomaly scan. It is a more detailed type of ultrasound where the sonographer measures and examines the organs and other parts of the baby’s body. In my case, the scan took about 30-45 minutes. The sonographer, who also happens to be an OB Gyne, counted all the fingers and toes of the baby, measured the arms and legs, checked the baby’s cleft pallet, heart, kidney, spine, and many others. In short, the doctor checked if everything about the baby’s good and if he/she doesn’t have complication of sorts.

Prior to the measurement and examination of the baby, the doctor’s first question was if I want to know baby’s gender. Is that even a question? LOL. I’m not so fond of surprises so of course I’d like to know. As I’ve observed, baby’s a gymnast and a kick boxer rolled into one and it showed in the ultrasound so looking for the genitalia wasn’t so hard. Baby’s feet were raised while sort of throwing punches. The doctor immediately saw baby’s vajayjay! Without any hesitation, she announced it’s a GIRL! I was sincerely happy I almost cried. I guess I just have to set aside my doubts and BE the best mom I can be for her.

The OB-sonographer then proceeded with the more serious stuff, examining the organs and body parts as well as taking measurements. While exploring my womb, she was also describing to me what she’s doing and what her findings were. My smile grew bigger and bigger each time she confirmed that a certain part is normal and good. Overall, baby’s health is in good condition and she’s developing well.

After the health check, it was time for my boys to see our little princess. The OB-sono showed them that we’re having a girl and she echoed to them that the baby's in the pink. It was a precious moment for me seeing them smile while looking at our very animated baby girl. The boys were amused and overjoyed as I was! Priceless! In their eyes I saw that I won’t be alone in raising this little princess. She’ll have the best dad and big brother who’ll take care of her and keep her safe. I just love my family to pieces!


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