Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Complicated Pregnancy

As they say, no two pregnancies are exactly alike and this is so true based on my experience. My first pregnancy was NOT as complicated as this second one. Although I felt uglier the first time, it was somehow not as fussy. As I remember, I did not have to go on bed rest until I was on my ninth month when I had spotting – perhaps a week before I gave birth. As for my current, I had to be on bed rest once for a month and another instance for 3 days.

The first time happened right after our Virgin Beach trip, which was last May 14 to be precise. What happened was, I had difficulty peeing. I can feel that my urinary bladder was full but it won’t empty and it’s too painful to pee. At first my OB thought it was UTI. But as it turned out, it was more complicated than that.
My OB advised me to have Kidney-Urinary Bladder Ultrasound (KUB) as well as pelvic ultrasound to check the baby. Fortunately, the baby’s well and was completely unharmed.

She also ordered me to see another doctor - Urologist. So I looked for one in Makati Med. The first Urologist I came to seek advice from hasn’t really worked with a pregnant patient before and so during consultation, he had to confer with his book to find meds that would be ok for me. Unable to find one, he suggested hot and cold compress and if it won’t work, he recommended a catheter to relieve the pain and rehabilitate the bladder. My OB did not immediately agree with the catheter. She referred me to an OB Gyne-Urologist who has handled similar cases. This was perhaps on my second week of bed rest already. Imagine the pain I had to go through!

So I went to see the OB-Uro and she explained that what I had was “voiding dysfunction” meaning the baby’s weight was making it difficult for my bladder to work properly. On my first consultation with her, she already insisted on the catheter saying that there were no meds necessary in my case aside from the medicine that my OB already prescribed. The med wasn’t for the pain but was for baby to sort of hang in there. There was nothing else I can do but to raise the white flag and surrender... so she put the catheter in. It really hurt that I fainted for a few minutes and I can’t imagine my reaction when she said I had to wear it for 2 weeks. Actually, after the second week I’d have to undergo lab tests before she could decide if it needs to be extended for another week or so. But you know what hurt more than this? The doctor’s fee! She’s too expensive and all she said was I can actually work even I’m wearing cath. Unbelievable!

On that day of consultation, we had an annoying but funny experience with MAPA (Makati Parking Authority). As our appointment lasted until past 5PM, which was over the allowed time limit in Salcedo Street, our car was almost towed. Aside from the fact that wearing a catheter was really excruciating, I was also wearing it under a short dress, so I did not go with hubby to where the car was parked. It was weird that I had to wait for him for more than 10 minutes so I went to follow and was surprised to see that MAPA was already towing our car. It was infuriating because they weren’t listening to hubby while I was uncomfortably walking along the street. The manong MAPAs were looking at me as I approached them and I almost laughed when one of the manongs yelled to the driver of the tow truck that I was wearing dextrose while looking at the catheter peeping under my dress! LOL

Anyhow, the two-week catheter experience was one of the most harsh, painful experiences I have had in my life. Haha… Maybe second to giving birth. There was even a time when the cath leaked and I had to be rushed to the emergency room of MMC. It was too painful that I almost pulled it out not knowing there’s like a balloon inside to keep the cath from sliding down. So all throughout the two weeks, my prayers include recovery from all of this.

My most awaited day came, I was too anxious as I wanted to remove the cath so bad. Hubby accompanied me to the Urology department of MMC. Although the waiting area was comfortable, I wasn’t feeling too comfy at all. Finally the nurse called me for the bladder scan and uroflow (if I remember it correctly). After the tests, I still had to wait for the OB-Uro for perhaps an hour more to consult with her again so she can interpret the tests and give the verdict. Although it was just short, the wait wasn’t that easy. I was silently saying my prayers.

When it was finally my time to speak with the doctor, I was glad to hear her say that although my bladder was still not fully emptying and the rate was still a bit above normal, she recommended stopping with the cath already. It was the best thing I heard that day! Once again, I proved that day that prayers really work.

The recovery from the cath took perhaps a couple of weeks more but it was all good. I’m just relieved the complication has not recurred as I don’t want to go back to that condition again EVER.

The whole month I was on bed rest, I was also working from home. It was actually better for me as I still felt useful despite the complication. Turning the pain into something positive, I was able to spend time with my little boy before school started. On top of it, the baby was okay even at the onset. It also helped me appreciate how much hubby care for me. He was always there especially during very difficult and awkward situations. Although he was also busy at work, he took the time to be there for me. It’s a simple proof that he’s keeping his vow that he’ll never leave in sickness and in health.

Although hardships keep our family closer together, I am continuously praying and looking forward to a healthier, fuss-free or at least less-fuss pregnancy from here on out.

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