Saturday, August 18, 2012

2011 At A Glance

Before I go back to the future (sounds like a movie), I’d like to reminisce how colorful 2011 was for me and my family.

The Big Move

It was April 25th when I returned to my previous employer. I had to learn it the hard way that it is somehow still better than other companies. In what way, you might ask. Although they’re not the biggest payer (definitely NOT) and there are kinks that need fixing like the specific culture of my team, it still felt right to be there. It is important for me that my voice is heard and know that I am capable of deciding on some things. In their own little way, they can also make their employees feel taken care of. So despite that there was a more tempting offer, I decided to return to my simple (but toxic) life in acn.

04.27.2011: First day after NJO... Loner mode at Selah

The first few months were a struggle in terms of getting along with the team. I was back to my introverted, loner self for a while. It was a big adjustment for me since I had good friends in my previous company. But like I always say, there are many things we can take and take just for our family. It’s better to sacrifice being a social butterfly (as if!) than sacrifice my principles. Anyway I’m still in touch with my friends in BT and I also found a few trusted friends in acn.

Projects and clients weren’t exactly ideal as well but that’s work. It’s not my life anyway.

My Little Boy in Big School

Evan was accepted in first grade at 5 ½ years old! His lessons at St. Euphrasia were too academic anyway so we decided to have him try going through an admission test and an interview. Voila! He passed.

It was challenging for him as he adjusted to the time spent in school, making friends and more difficult lessons among many others. At the same time, it was challenging for me too as I try to juggle work and being hands on with his studies to help him adjust. Waking up very early in the morning, doing homework, reviewing for exams were the hurdles we had to overcome. But it’s priceless every time we go to school, see his grades, and know he’s part of the honor roll every quarter.

It felt soooo great that he ended up part of the top 10 in all of Grade 1. I’m just so proud of my little boy!

11.11.11 Evan's field trip at Bataan and Zoobic

12.18.2011 Evan's birthday cake

 Daddy Brought Home the Bacon

Hubby, having had several heart breaks when in comes to work, landed on a promotion. 2011 was a good year for him. He took on new responsibilities and opportunities that he also enjoyed despite his occasional complaints. :)

Tagaytay Roadtrip

Overall, it was a great year for us. I am very thankful for the many blessings that came our way.

P.S. I finally learned how to drive in 2011. :)


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