Friday, January 31, 2020

In Sickness and In Health

November 2019 - I decided to start a journal, which I also did not get to follow through. 😅 I was watching "The Good Witch" while drinking pink moscato when I originally wrote this entry.

November was a very a challenging month for me. It started with a trip to Baguio, which would be a separate entry for this blog's sake. The whole time that we were there, Hubby was not feeling very well. Despite being sick, he drove to, fro and around Baguio City. As the days went on, he was getting sicker as well. He's having on and off fever which were worse at night. On our last night when we went to Burnham Park, he didn't even get off the car anymore because he can't take the cold.

So we came back to Manila on a Sunday. We didn't know then that what he had was already serious. We thought it's just the usual flu. The following day, I went back to work thinking he should be getting well being at home where it's warmer. Unfortunately, he got the fever again and I had to go back home early to pick up Denice from school. Come Tuesday, we went to Healthway to have a check-up. He went through lab tests, his platelet count was checked and yeah it's below normal.

The following day, we went back to have his Dengue test done as advised by the Doctor. His platelet count that day was even lower than the day before at 52. With that, we were supposed to go to Makati Med to get him admitted after picking-up Little D from school. But as it went darker, he also changed his mind. Well, the Doctor did not technically advise him to be confined. We were told we need to get his platelet up. 

Thanks to the Bilogs, my highschool friends, who were giving me advice and moral support during those times. Well, you know, they have first hand experience. So they told me, one of the ways to increase his platelets is through food and natural medicine. That night, I cooked tinola because the papaya leaves were supposed to be helpful. I also cooked ginisang monggo with malunggay leaves the next day and made him drink boiled papaya leaves juice. Oh, I couldn't have done it without my my friend, Honey, who bought monngo ingredients for me.

Come Friday, we went to Makati Med when Hubby was ready to be confined. We went straight to the Emergency Room. The results took a while and I had to pick up the little girl from school so I had to leave him there. I bought him food and water first so he won't go hungry because who knows what time the results will come out and if he'll actually be released.

Lo and behold, his platelets are up at 170+! So he was allowed to go home. I was so relieved. I was also very proud of myself for cooking Filipino ulam that cured him. Food indeed is natural medicine.

We were so happy about it that we thought we should celebrate. We went out the following day to have dinner. We discovered this restaurant called "Eat Yourself Bankcrupt" at Robinson's Manila a few months back because of Zomato Gold. It instantly became our favorite restaurant. One, because of their ramen and two because of the drunk man rice bowl. 

It's Sunday again, my favorite day of the week, time for laundry. 😒 We celebrated too early as he got sick again that night. Now there's no escaping this time, I had to rush him to Makati Med Emergency Room and we were not let go this time. The Doctor advised for him to be admitted so they can finally know what's really causing the on and off fever.

It's a busy week for me doing everything at home, taking care of the kids, reviewing Little D for her exams, looking after the Hubby and staying with him in the hospital at night and of course my work. Good thing, it's one less task driving Kuys to school as he can already commute on his own now. Looking at the bright side, it's great having a mom who's always there and a (local) boss who's supportive. 

I may seem calm amidst everything but in my head, I was already panicking. There were several scenarios running through my mind. I'm crazy. 

After redoing the tests and blood work, they concluded it was Influenza A. His immune system was down just coming out of Dengue fever. It's not a relapse per se but he easily caught a virus.

Tuesday of that week was the toughest for me. There were a number of escalations at work. I also attempted to process Hubby's Philhealth to my dismay. I went to Robinson's Otis after I dropped off Denice to school. I was thinking it will be much faster there because there wouldn't be a lot of people. Well, there weren't people for that I was right but it's not for the right reason because their system was down. Sadly, I didn't accomplish anything except a bit of grocery shopping from the supermaket.  To top it all of, Kuys also got sick. Both the kids were already sick the first time Hubby went to Healthway and they're already taking meds. But Kuysi had high fever when he came back from school that day. I gave him paracetamol and let him rest as I had to leave for the hospital, too. He's texting till around 5-ish in the morning that his fever hasn't gone down despite the medicine. Inang told me the next day that she didn't get to sleep because Kuys was coughing the whole night. Then that night, because the fever did not subside, I took him with me to Makati Med. He also took blood tests and went through x-ray. 

Our friends, X&L, paid Hubby a visit so at least Hubby's not alone whilst I accompany Kuys  in the ER. Luckily, the results came back fast - thank God, Kuys doesn't have dengue. Though he can go home, we had him sleep in Hubby's room as well so that I can take care of him and the little girl doesn't get infected. Knowing Kuys, he wouldn't drink the meds without me. There's only one sofa bed though so I barely slept that night.

The following day, I had to take care of Hubby's Philhealth. It's record breaking for me as I walked 10K steps! Had to go back and forth to the Philhealth office in Jupiter/Buendia from MMC. While I do all my chores that day, the 2 boys remained in the hospital. When I reached there at night, Kuysi made up his mind about going back home saying he has to be in school the following day. That was a shocker given that he already has an excuse letter from MMC. He's so insistent that I just booked a Grab car for him. If he's too adamant at going back to school then so be it. 

Finally, we were released on November 15th. That's the following day. After the crazy schedule, long days, driving around the city for errands, thank God, we are going home.

I have a lot of people to thank and be thankful for. I know I wouldn't have survived those weeks being the drama queen that I am without their help, support and love. Even the PhilHealth papers, I actually forgot about the need for it. I was only reminded by Cams who already coordinated with Talent Enablement team when she talked to me. Ann then sent the docs. X&L bought me coffee. The text messages and advice from my Bilogs. My mom's love and her spending time with the kids while I was at the hospital. My boss' good heart for allowing me to have flexible schedule. 

It's being in this moments when we realize it's great to be surrounded with people who truly cares.


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