Saturday, September 15, 2012

Award Winning

Hubby won this award the other day. According to the letter that came with the trophy, it’s given to those who “go above and beyond their given responsibilities within the organization. Whether it is managing client relationships and growth, creating operational excellence, spearheading major cost reductions, or attracting top talent, these individuals have helped to drive significant growth within the company.”

As always, I’m a proud wife. He gets recognized at work and still finds time for us. I feel blessed to have a hubby like him. 


Saturday, September 8, 2012

School Activities

One of the parents' roles is to support their child in his school or extra-curricular activities. Here’s what we’ve been busy with related to that…

Buwan ng Wika

Performing "Paruparong Bukid"

First Quarter Convocation


Our little boy is currently at 6th place, which is an improvement from last year. It's definitely an achievement for him being the youngest in his class. He's also not very bookish and studious so we're just very glad he’s part of the honor roll. We provide him guidance in terms of school work and responsibilities but we don’t necessarily pressure him to be an honor student. So this is definitely a good sign. :)

Congratulations, little boy. Mom and Dad are so proud of you. We love you.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

18 Years and Counting

Tomorrow, September 6th, marks a great milestone in our love story… hubby and I are celebrating our 18th year together (counting pre-wedding)!!! Can’t believe we’ve been together that long.

Hubby and I have known each other since high school and it’s no secret that we became boyfriend-girlfriend then. We weren’t exactly serious that time and you really can’t expect us to be serious. Hello! We were teenagers (LOL). When we were in high school, we did not even date as in the “just the two of us” type of date. We only went out as a group, together with our friends or classmates. And we eventually became best friends.

The journey of 18 years wasn’t just a walk in the park. We had to deal with several petty quarrels (which I thought weren’t petty before), parental concerns, and other real-life problems. As days, months, and years pass by, the hurdles we face became more and more real and “grown-up”.

As a young couple, going to different universities was one of our major concerns back then. Prior to taking college entrance exams, we already agreed that we will study in the same school, which did not happen. We only took admission tests for two universities actually. Looking back, I find it funny that we even had a crying session just because of it, thinking that we’d eventually grow apart not being together everyday like we used to. As it turned out, all the drama was futile. We still found a lot of time to be together when we were in college and even after college.

Now that we’re married, it’s still not that easy. Marriage is not at all just a bed of roses. But what’s good is that we already know each other so well and we talk, listen and compromise. We’ve had arguments but we haven’t reached a point where we yell or hurt each other physically. OK, I yell sometimes but not all the time. ;) Of course he is not perfect, he has shortcomings and the same goes for me, I have limitations as well. But we’ve accepted that and we try to work on it somehow in our own little ways. We know that we love each other and that’s all that matters.

After all these years, I can say that I am truly blessed to have found my soul mate early in life when other people are almost ready to give up on love. I am thankful for finding a better half who does his best in providing for the family, spending quality time with me and the son despite his work schedule, and being a hands-on dad who takes part in molding the little boy… and the baby girl for sure.

I’m looking forward to more years with hubby and I’m hoping that we’d stay truly in love forever… even after the kids have grown and have their own families already… even after we become old and wrinkly… even after forever.


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